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وظائف شاغرة للعمل لدى منظمة NRC: مطلوب موظفين/ت للعمل في التعداد (Enumerator)

وظائف شاغرة للعمل لدى المجلس النرويجي: مطلوب موظفين/ت للعمل في التعداد (Enumerator-South)

قطاع(ات) التدخل: المأوى والمواد غير الغذائية, نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الاثنين, 29 يوليو 2024
نوع العقد: دوام ‫جزئي‬
مدة الوظيفة: Monthly-Renewable
نطاق الراتب: < 800 (USD)
درجة التعليم: بكالوريوس
تفاصيل درجة التعليم:
متطلبات الخبرة: بين سنة واحدة وسنتين
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: جيد جداً
اللغة الفرنسية: غير مطلوب
البلد/المدينة: الجنوب / لبنان

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم: 

To apply, send your application to lb.southrecruitment@nrc.no

 and mention the position and location of the subject line (“Enumerator – South”

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 


The main purpose of an Enumerator is to support the shelter and WASH team in their daily field and office activities.


  1. The volunteer will be responsible for conducting rapid and precise technical assessments for collective shelters, schools, Residential units in scattered areas, etc.
  2. He/she will be responsible for Producing accurate drawings, designs, reports, measurements (BOQs), and/or photographs as evidence of a technical assessment.
  3. He/she will be responsible for Supervising the contractor’s rehabilitation work in the assigned collective shelter, Residential units, and schools.
  4. He/she will be responsible for Assisting beneficiaries with technical advice on how to complete their work at the expected quality and budget.
  5. He/she will be responsible for filling out electronic assessments (using the KOBO platform).
  6. He/she will be responsible for conducting multi-sectoral need assessments in areas experiencing new displacements.
  7. He/she will be responsible for the Distribution of Basic Assistance Kits, WASH-related kits, and other emergency-related supplies.
  8.  He/she will be responsible for Distribution efforts that will encompass NRC areas of intervention including border areas, Palestinian camps and gatherings, ISs, and collective shelters.
  9. The working areas will include all border villages covered by NRC.

Qualifications and Relevant Skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, Architectural Engineering, internal Design or another related field.
  • Previous work experience in engineering Fields.
  • Proficiency in MS Office.
  • Fluent in Arabic and English, both written and spoken.

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عن Mohamad Jamous

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