الإثنين, سبتمبر 9, 2024
الرئيسيةوظائف شاغرة وفرص عمل في لبنان والشرق الأوسطوظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة MdM: مطلوب مدير/ة لبرنامج (Program Manager)

اضغط على الصورة لتحميل تطبيقنا للأخبار والوظائف على مدار الساعة 24/24


وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة MdM: مطلوب مدير/ة لبرنامج (Program Manager)

انضم الى قناتنا على الواتساب للأخبار والوظائف على مدار الساعة 24/24


وظائف شاغرة وفرص عمل في لبنان والشرق الأوسط

انضم الى قناتنا على التلغرام


انضم الى مجموعتنا على الفيس بوك


مطلوب مدير/ة لبرنامج (Program Manager)

معلومات الوظيفة:

الراتب: 2719$ + 6$/working day as Food allowance and 450,000LBP/working day as transportation.
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الخميس, 16 مايو 2024
قطاع(ات) التدخل: الصحة, الصحة النفسية
نوع العقد: دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة: 11 Months -Renewable based on funds and performance
نطاق الراتب: بين 2500 و 3000 (دولار أمريكي)
درجة التعليم: ماجستير
تفاصيل درجة التعليم:  Medical profile: registered nurse or midwife with experience and training in SRHR and health project management  Master’s Degree in Public Health, Community Health or Epidemiology
متطلبات الخبرة: بين سنتين و3 سنوات
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: بطلاقة
اللغة الفرنسية: بدائي
البلد/المدينة: بيروت / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: نعم

توجيهات التقديم: 

Applicants should send their CV recruitment.lebanon@medecinsdumonde.net with the subject reference “PROG/MANEGER” (CVs without this subject line will not be considered). Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Interviews will be held on a rolling basis.HR

MdM is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, religion, creed, citizenship, national origin, age, or disability unrelated to job requirements.

للانضمام الى قناتنا على الواتساب لنشر الأخبار والوظائف على مدار الساعة اضغط هنا
اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
HR Officer
HR Officer
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 

Main responsibilities:

Under the line management of the Field Coordinator and with a functional link with the technical coordinators, the Program Manager will:

  • Manage and plan the implementation of a programme in the area of intervention
  • Evaluate and adapt a programme in accordance with its logical framework and guidelines (donors, MdM)
  • Lead and manage a team, building cohesion and motivation

The main responsibilities and activities of the Program Manager can change depending on the evolution of the context, the work organization and the team composition.

Main activities:

  1. Program Management of MdM Health interventions in Lebanon
  • In close collaboration with the Field Coordinator and with the technical support of the MHPSS and Medical Coordinator, Program Manager will be responsible to supervise and implement the full program management cycling, planning, implementation and evaluation
  • Translating the intervention strategy into activities
  • Oversees the administration of the program and ensures that all the activities are implemented in a timely manner and in line with the policies, procedures and regulations of MdM in collaboration with the technical coordinators and the Field Coordinator.
  • Conducts regular field visits to assess program quality and progress toward objectives, facilitates collective problem solving with staff and other stakeholders to address challenges and propose recommendations for improvement.
  • Provides regular feedback that require line manager support and decision making
  • Ensures the participation of the community in the project. 
  • Coordinate with other departments / partners for the smooth implementation of any health related intervention
  • When needed, accompany the team in activities for supervision / training purpose
  • Participate in the development of resources for health awareness that are utilized by the outreach officer in collaboration with the technical coordinators.
  • Plan, organize and monitor resources (logistics, finance, HR)
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Ensures that MEAL systems provide adequate feedback to inform program development and course corrections as necessary.
  • In collaboration with the responsible MdM staff and the MEAL Department, ensures data from the field has been inputted correctly and is accurate.
  • Produces lessons learned reports and participates in the development of MEAL Program tools such as satisfaction surveys, KAP survey in collaboration with the technical coordinators and the MEAL team.
  • In collaboration with MEAL ensure the feedback of the community.
  1. Management of Teams
  • Direct Line manager of one (1) Community Outreach officer, one (1) midwife, one (1) SRH/GBV officer and one (1) pharmacy assistant.
  • Contribute to identify training and capacity building needs among the health team and facilitate the implementation of capacity building plan.
  • Manage and lead a team (information, setting objectives, monitoring activities, managing leave, recruitment, discipline, security, training, skills management)
  • Advise, arbitrate, and support measures to be taken in the event of difficulties, malfunctions and incidents
  • Develop, build and maintain a collaborative and respectful team working environment
  • Organize the semi-annual and annual appraisals with MdM staff under his/her direct management.
  • Participate in the recruitment process if it is needed.
  • Manage the leave request and other administrative tasks regarding HR management
  • Participate in the briefing of the new MdM staff.
  1. Participation in the design and implementation of a referral system between community, PHC, Birth center and other stakeholders

In collaboration with the Technical Coordinators and under the management of the Field Coordinator:

  • support the development of effective referral systems between the community, the PHC, CMHC, Birth center and other stakeholders
  • Ensure mapping for proper referrals is regularly updated and shared with the health teams and partner
  • Participate in the development of partnerships with local stakeholders necessary for the implementation of the MdM health activities
  • Assist the health teams with referrals for high priority cases need
  • Ensure that people in need of referral are sent to the appropriate organization
  • Coordinate with the outreach team to ensure proper referral from the community
  1. Coordination and representation
  • Participate in the internal MdM meeting with the MHPSS/Medical Co
  • Participate in all MdM staff meeting
  • Participate in other internal MdM meeting with other programs to ensure the proper implementation of the activities.
  •  Identify, build and manage collaborative partnerships with other humanitarian partners, coordination bodies, local authorities and other stakeholders in the area of intervention.
  • Represent the programme in external meeting under request of the Field Coordinator
  • Attend Health working groups and other working and sub-working groups of area of intervention.
  • Ensure that the coordination with other NGO’s on health topics is constant, smooth and efficient
  1. Data collection, analysis, and reporting
  • Elaborate and update the monitoring tools in coordination with technical coordinators and the MEAL team.
  • Ensure that data collection is appropriately and accurately done by the team
  • Ensure the timely production of technical reports from the health team
  • Produce weekly updates and monthly sitrep
  • Translate verbally and written when necessary
  • Participate in donor’s reports.
  1. Assessments and contribution to analysing, evaluating and adapting the program
  • Assess the population's needs regarding Health (Medical/MHPSS) care practices and propose intervention strategies in collaboration with the technical coordinators.
  • Participate in defining effective and culturally appropriate approaches and interventions on the community level in collaboration with the technical coordinators.
  • Ensure that health analysis and proposition of intervention are relevant to the MdM’s overall strategy in collaboration with the technical coordinators.
  • Contribute to proposal writing in collaboration with other contributors


  • To adhere to MdM values and principles. 
  • To behave with self-restraint at all times and respect the dignity of the beneficiaries.
  • To be able to work as part of a team and participate in all activities of the health department.
  • To be able to work in a humanitarian context and with limited resources
  • To believe in concepts of equity, human rights, neutrality and impartiality.
  • Demonstrate motivation at work.
  • Demonstrate willingness to improve own knowledge and skills by participating in any capacity building activities.
  • Respect each team member’s position, work and specialty.
  • Adapt to special situations or demands from supervisor.

Requested Profile

  • Medical profile: registered nurse or midwife with experience and training in SRHR and health project management
  • Master’s Degree in Public Health, Community Health or Epidemiology –
  • 2 to 3 years of experience with an NGO or INGO
  • Strong experience related to primary health care, maternal and child health, reproductive health
  • Experience in SRHR.
  • Training in SRHR.
  • Experience in project management
  • Excellent interpersonal skills: maintain a transparent, honest and supportive communication structure within a team
  • Proficiency with Microsoft word and excel.
  • Knowledge of PHENICS
  • Arabic and English languages are mandatory – French added value

Requested competences:

  • Excellence in organizing, planning and prioritizing task
  • Diplomacy and negotiation skills
  • Dynamism, rigor, reactivity
  • Solution oriented
  • Ability to step back and look at the overall picture
  • Strong ability to observe, analyse, report and take initiative.
  • Ability to work with a team as well as to work independently.
  • Ability to seek, collect, and critically analyse data and information needed to achieve the tasks.
  • Clear commitment in the project thematic.
  • Ability to communicate (orally and in writing) any technical or non-technical topic with clarity and to share any important project information with the team.
  • Ability to self-reflect on your work, to recognize what needs improvement and to propose solutions.
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