الأحد, يونيو 16, 2024

مطلوب سائقين (Driver)

وظائف شاغرة وفرص عمل في لبنان والشرق الأوسط

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وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة LOST: مطلوب سائقين (Driver)

قطاع(ات) التدخل: تمويل إنساني وتنموي
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الخميس, 30 مايو 2024
نوع العقد: دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة: 12 Months
نطاق الراتب: < 800 (USD)
درجة التعليم: غير مطلوبة
متطلبات الخبرة: بين سنتين و3 سنوات
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: جيد
اللغة الفرنسية: غير مطلوب
البلد/المدينة: بعلبك الهرمل / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم: 

Applying through the link below is the ONLY way for LOST to consider your application.
Please click on the link to fill out an online application and upload your resume:

للتقديم اضغط هنا – Apply Now

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications sent by email will NOT be considered!

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 

LOST is seeking to recruit a driver.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Transport staff, volunteers, and goods to various locations of the project.
  • Ensure the safety of staff, punctuality and safe driving practices at all times.
  • Assist staff in loading and unloading goods and equipment.
  • Inspect the vehicle to ensure it is in good operating condition, and perform basic maintenance tasks such as checking oil, water, brakes, and tire pressure.
  • Adhere to all traffic laws, regulations, and LOST logistics policy.
  • Maintain accurate records of trips, including mileage, fuel consumption and any incidents.
  • Complete vehicle logs and reports as required by LOST logistics department.
  • Provide logistical support for events, meetings, and field activities.
  • Have good communication skills and strong sense of responsibility and accountability.
  • Able to work flexible hours including weekends and evenings.


  • Valid driving license 
  • Excellent driving skills and knowledge of road safety regulations.
  • Excellent Communication Skills.

NB: LOST has a zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of beneficiaries. Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) is everyone’s responsibility and all staff are required to adhere to the code of conduct, that enshrines the principles of PSEA, always (Both during work hours and outside work hours). Familiarization with, and adherence to, the code of conduct is an essential requirement of all staff, in addition to related mandatory training. All staff must ensure that they understand and act in accordance with this clause.

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